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Be Naughty Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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(based on 45 reviews)

Category: Adult Dating Sites (AKA Sex Dating Sites)
Website: http://www.benaughty.com

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07 December 2009
Reviewer: Darren from Leicester, UK

234 of 472 people found this review helpful

I was on this site for a very long time, on and off for about 3 years in total... The site does have allot going for it, yet it also has some very bad aspects too.

The database is meant to consist of 4 million users world wide... however when you create a new account you always get the same responses AKA the scam girl problem is HUGE on this site, and the admin do not seem to want that problem solving (as it adds numbers to the community, I guess) however this can be very annoying, since... the site does have a fairly well used blog area - for free, this is a great place to chill and talk to the regular users (obviously this helps to find some genuine users and gives you a way to enjoy your time while searching) the forum used to be free but recently they changed this... only the less used areas are now free... So it really isn't worth using!

Myself, I made a lot of friends on the site - however meets? Not very good at all... Although you can find genuine users via what is still usable in the forum and the blog area, generally you find these people are on the site for those areas alone, and not there for meets etc... There are a few girls on the forum that flirt endlessly with all the guys - But it does seem like an "I need attention syndrome", rather than an actual "I am looking for something from this site"! they never log off and go from man to man... yet they never meet any of the users outside of their already formed group of friends - It is slightly interbred in a sense!

Overall I would say... the site has a lot of potential and is possibly better than a good few other sites of a similar sized database, but it really does fail short in so many areas; i would avoid it!

AFF as shown in first place on this site is a much better place, it is much bigger, and has a much smaller percent of scams... Since BeNaughty really does make you search for girls; it is a huge shame that 80% of the girls are defiantly scams that constantly ask for ID and verification details.

There are some nice and genuine girls on the site, they are just far to difficult to find.

Also worth mentioning... the admin always help the popular people and will ban anyone that does not agree with their opinions... free speech is not welcome on this site; It is very heavily monitored... While sites like AFF are not monitored so much - So you feel your opinion is welcome even if it contradicts what the majority think

i hope this helps... Good luck on any site you chose to use.

In summary, I would not recommend Be Naughty to a friend.

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